You Have Found It

Taking things far too seriously...except when we don't.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

5 White INTJ Phlegmatic-Melancholic with Knobs On

First Themed Post, Yaaay!

One thing that always catches my eye is personality tests.  They intrigue me to no end.  Same holds true for sillier things, like horoscopes and numerology profiles.  I'm not exactly sure why this is, but one thing is fairly certain: I am as well-informed about myself as it is possible to be by taking free internet quizzes.

Here, then, is an overview of my favorites.

Myers-Briggs: Classic and fairly well-known.  Not my favorite because I find its insights a bit worthless, because I dislike the "jobs" focus (eg., people who fit this profile would be good at job x or y), and because I can never get the same result twice.  The Myers-Briggs gives you a four-letter acronym that describes your preferred way to approach the world, for a total of 16 separate types.  The first two letters are always easy for me -- IN  (That's Introverted and iNtuitive, versus Extroverted and Sensing).  But the next two letters waver depending on my mood.  Usually I'm T(hinking) rather than F(eeling), but I'm always offended by being described as analytical and unemotional -- even though evidence for this being true is rapidly accumulating.  And whether I am J(udging) or P(erceiving) varies on an hourly basis, so I'm really not too sure there.

Considering other tests I've taken, I'm probably INTP (at least for today).  Take the test here (warning: it's a bit long) or just browse around the theory and come to your own conclusions here

Colors: This is also a fun one with many variations.  Only four basic types, but they're pretty efficient (don't worry, you can blend the colors).  I am a White -- meaning I am a boring pacifist who resists change and tries to keep everyone happy (purely out of selfish motives --so they'll leave me alone).  Reds are CEO-type strong personalities, Blues are nurturing and detail-oriented, and Yellows are adventurous and fun but take nothing seriously.  See what color you are here. 

Humours: Popular with the Catholic set, and fairly snazzy, if only for its deliciously medieval tang.  Based originally in the idea that diseases and personalities were determined by different fluids, or humours, in the body, it still does a pretty good job of divvying people up (don't worry, you can blend here too).  As far as I can figure it, Sanguines are extroverted and prone to be happy, Cholerics are extroverted but less happy, Phlegmatics are introverted and easy-going, and Melancholics are introverted and prone to depression and perfectionism.  I am primarily Phlegmatic (because I just want everyone to get along), but have a broad streak of the Melancholic due to my occasional fits of romantic brooding and unfortunate predilection for analysis (lamented above).  Try it on yourself here.

If the Catholic medieval intellectual tradition is not your cup of tea, a comparable mind-body thing is the notion of the Doshas in Ayurvedic tradition.  (I'm somewhere between a Kappha and a Vata).

The Enneagram: I have not yet tortured my family with this one yet.  I'm fairly new to it, and it contains complexities that are still strange to me, but it pleases me.  There are nine options on this one, each described by a number (hooray).  I am a 5, as far as I can figure.  Be prepared to be described in terms of your primary motivation and suffer some confusion with other "points."  See for yourself here

Just for fun: Horoscopes are delightful, if invariably a load of hooey.  See if you better match your "old" or "new" sign, learn how to use corny pick-up lines, and learn about the mysterious 13th sign, Ophiuchus

Burned out on star signs?  Play with numerology

Love Language: This will explain to the others in your life how they can better express their overwhelming esteem.  Short, fluffy. 

The Other Color Test:  Even shorter and fluffier. 

Well, if you are not more in tune with yourself, your deepest desires, and your aesthetic needs, then at least you've wasted time in a (hopefully) pleasing fashion.  Do stop by again, cousins.

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