You Have Found It

Taking things far too seriously...except when we don't.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On Happy Words

One of the things that makes me happiest is words.  Especially ones written down or oddly juxtaposed or particularly mellifluous or having a very specific meaning.  In light of this, a few word-based things that make me happy:

Word Origins: I am a sucker for etymologies, especially the shocking number of words (even really short ones) that have something to do with Latin, and the sense of joy I get out of seeing words that almost completely change in meaning from the Old English to present.  Hence: The Online Etymology Dictionary.

(And for words you think you know how to spell, say, or use, the ever-popular with its wonderful Word of the Day and the unjustly overlooked Merriam-Webster Trend Watch, which keeps tracks of unusual spikes in word search frequency and links these spikes to media occurrances.)

Journals: I am also a sucker for really nice blank books, and for writing exercises.  I don't do nearly enough daily, recreational, non-project-related writing and it makes me a wee bit sad.  But perhaps over the summer I will practice using some of these ideas: Bernadette Mayer's collected suggestions for journaling,  dream journals (to enhance the super-awesome but probably spurious practice of lucid dreaming, where you can consciously control what you dream about and thus have awesome adventures every night -- except I'd probably lucid-dream about sitting quietly by the fire with a cup of tea and a book....)  And LISTS.  I love making lists of strange things.  Like these people.

Fictitious Band Names:  I love how strange words when put together can instantly make you think of the kind of band that pick such a weird phrase as a title.  Some of the ones I've come up with on my lonesome include Crafty Arachnid, Pink Bunny Suicide Zone, and It Pours Hot Water.  I'm also a fan of turning verbs or adjectives into plural nouns and tacking "the" in front of it -- both classic and cutting-edge.  So: The Shines, the Leaps, the Sketches, the Throws, the Trues, the Alls, the Zaps.  Could get super-meta and be called The Thes.

Also, one particularly memorable philosophy class yielded the following (all of which sound like pretenious shoegazing Canadian alt, to me, at least, maybe with a little socially-conscious riot grrrl thrown in.)
Beaver Soul
Lone Orca
Ugly Talentless Women
Come On Neanderthal

I really wish a few of these existed so I could be fans of them.

Finally, a word on fonts:  I hate and despise Helvetica, Arial and Courier.  For a long time I've preferred to stick to my sweet and responsive Times New Roman, but lately Georgia has been in the process of seducting seducing me with its pleasing old-timey chunkiness.  It's like the difference between a size 2 model dressed in ubermodern clothes, and the quirky pleasure of a full-figured specimen in a bustle.  For me, something as simple as paying attention to what fonts I prefer is helpful in the process of determining and owning my aesthetic tendancies.

Hugs and kisses, dahlinks.

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